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Elentra CPD 1.3 Released

November 4, 2019
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The Elentra Consortium is pleased to announce the third release of Elentra CPD so far in 2019. Elentra CPD 1.3 is a relatively significant step forward for the application. In addition to a large number of behind-the-scenes improvements, administrators now have a great deal more flexibility when creating and managing Programs.

For detailed information about changes in this release, please read our comprehensive Elentra CPD Jira Release page. Our public summary of this information is as follows:

Program Presentations are now Sections & Activities

Previously, a Program was comprised of Presentations that had start and end times, locations, educators, and other fields. The concept of a presentation has now been split into “Program Sections” and “Program Activities” that also include:

  • a category (e.g., “Workshop,” “Presentation,” “Meal,” “Break”)
  • an optional/additional price
  • whether or not it is optional
  • the ability for the start or end date/time to be outside of the bounds of the Program dates, which allows for activities like pre/post Program web conferences.

Keeping track of who is attending optional activities

Any optional Program Activity will appear separately on the registration form, allowing registrants to opt-in, providing there is space to do so.

The “Download Days Attending, Question Summary and Additional Item Summary Report” now includes additional columns for each optional Activity, so it is easy to see which users are attending what Activities.

Program Sections and Program Activities now have prices

The Pricing page for Programs now supports pricing adjustments for any Sections or Activity. The user interface for creating pricing adjustments has also been streamlined so that the administrator no longer needs a separate adjustment for each profession.

Promotional Codes are now applied to Sections/Activities and Additional Items, instead of the entire program. For convenience, if any Promotional Codes have been applied to Sections/Activities, they will also appear at the bottom of the Pricing page.

Simplified two-step registration process

When a user is registering for a Program, they are immediately brought to a registration page. Registration options on this page (e.g., Program Sections, Program Activities, Additional Items) are automatically disabled if they have reached any capacity/quantity restrictions set by the administrator.

Registrants can apply discount codes, which are immediately applied to the registration. The total cost of the registration is displayed at the bottom of the order form so that the actual cost is displayed before proceeding to the next step.

Administrators have access to all Orders, Payments, and Refunds related to a Registration

When viewing a registration, administrators can now see all applicable orders and payments connected to the registration. When viewing an order, administrators can see what Sections and Activities have been selected, related prices, and any pricing adjustments that have been made. Previously, administrators could only see the initial order connected to a registration.

When viewing an order, administrators can alter the order or make changes to the pricing of items by applying Promotional Codes, by marking individual items as “free,” or by applying a discount to the entire order.

Administrators can also view and edit payments made for an order, as well as create full or partial refunds for a payment.

Program Details now contains more information for registrants

The Program Details page now lists all Program Sections for registrants, which includes current and future price options available (i.e., a student would see the student prices for Program Sections, along with price increases as the Program date approaches).

The schedule for a Program now separates the activities by the day.

Order and registration statuses are automatically updated when an order, payment, or refund is saved, the order’s status is updated. Then the registration status is updated to reflect the state of the order(s) belonging to that registration, relieving administrators of the responsibility of maintaining the statuses themselves.

For further information or clarification regarding information contained in this release announcement, please contact:

Matt Simpson
Associate Director, Elentra Consortium
Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen’s University
Telephone: +1 613-533-6000 x78146
Email: [email protected]