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Features to know in Elentra ME 1.28

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We are pleased to announce that Elentra ME 1.28 and the maintenance releases 1.27.1, 1.26.2, and 1.25.3 are now available to all Consortium participants.

These high-level release notes contain a brief description of the key changes included in Elentra ME 1.28. Additional enhancements, bug fixes and more detailed information related to this release can be found in Elentra Collaborate here (login required).

Key Changes in Elentra ME 1.28

1.28 focuses on various user stories and bug fixes based on consortium member feedback. This release contains significant bug fixes to Assessment & Evaluation and Competency Based Education (CBE).

Thank you to all of the contributing members of our Consortium community for helping to create Elentra ME 1.28.