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Features to know in Elentra ME 1.27

A galaxy

We are pleased to announce that Elentra ME 1.27 and the maintenance releases 1.26.1, 1.25.2, and 1.24.3 are now available to all Consortium participants.

These high-level release notes contain a brief description of the key changes included in Elentra ME 1.27. Additional enhancements, bug fixes and more detailed information related to this release can be found in Elentra Collaborate here (login required).

Key Changes in Elentra ME 1.27

Update to Clinical Experience

Contributors: Elentra Consortium Core Team, Queen’s University, Elentra Corporation 

1.27 includes significant changes to the Clinical Experience module. These changes include updates to the Lottery the Location Module, and Manage Instructors. The majority of the contribution comes from the Elentra Corporation with additional enhancements created by Queen’s University.  


The new lottery module allows learners to rank their order of preferred rotations, swap schedules and/or sites and preceptors. Swapping gives learners the ability to fine-tune their clinical experiences. Administrators can quickly upload the available options for learners via CSV, making it easier to run and maintain lotteries.


The updated location module now gives administrators the power to add contacts, site visit records and agreements to their location sites, buildings, or room levels. The location module has a robust search for sorting and filtering locations. Administrators can link locations to instructors, and link locations to curriculum tags for a more nuanced and detailed rotation schedule. Learner can now view this information to get a more detailed look at sites they may encounter during their clinical experiences.


The new instructor module provides an enhanced way for administrators to manage the information associated with clinical faculty. Administrators can associate instructors with locations and curriculum tags to surface important data about preceptors to learners. Administrators may add notes to an instructor’s profile for administrative purposes or show them to learners. Images can be added to profiles, making it easier for administrators and learners to put a face to the name. Files may be associated with instructors to allow document management for clinical faculty members, including dedicated functionality for managing agreements.

Preferred Names

Contributors: Elentra Consortium Core Team, UCLA

Users may now choose to display a preferred name in place of their first name throughout most of Elentra. First name may still appear in some areas of Elentra, as a result we recommend using this feature for shorter forms of longer names or anglicized names.

Thank you again to all of the contributing members of our Consortium community for helping to create Elentra ME 1.27.