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Elentra Engage Awards

Each year at the Elentra Engage Conference, the Engage Conference Planning Committee selects members of the Elentra community who have gone above and beyond within the past year to be recognized during the conference. These individuals exemplify the qualities and practices that we strive to enable all our community members to achieve. We want to thank these individuals for their ongoing and outstanding contributions to the Elentra community.

Past Conferences

Elentra Engage 2022


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Alfreda Morrissey & Valerie Theriault

University of Ottawa & Northern Ontario School of Medicine

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Anika Sterba

Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

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Brent Thoma

College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan

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Michael Fariborz

Washingston University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Elentra Engage 2021


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Ke Zhong

Max Rady College of Medicine, University of Manitoba

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Lindsey Allison and Amber Todd

Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University

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Carolyn Dufault

Washington University School of Medicine

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Trevor Knox

Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia

Elentra Engage 2020


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Alexandre St-Amant

Northern Ontario School of Medicine

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Sarah Katherine Gerger

Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

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Emily Thompson

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Elentra Engage 2019

New York City, New York

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Sean Girard

Washington State University

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Anthony Roggeveen

University of British Columbia

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Dr. Laura McEwen

Queen's University

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Mary Bouchard

Queen's University

Elentra Engage 2018

Vancouver, British Columbia

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Adrian Mellognio

Queen's University

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Joane van Bergen

University of Ottawa

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Dr. Jennifer Cuthbert


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Sean Girard

Washington State University