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Elentra CPD 1.1 Released

March 31, 2019
Space Nebula
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It has been 3 years since Entrada CPD 1.0 was first released, and since then, there have been only minimal updates and fixes done to the core code base. Elentra CPD has quietly been doing its job as an application intended to manage all administrative aspects of live/online/blended programs, conferences, and workshops, including learner registration and credit tracking.

The Elentra Consortium is pleased to announce that this lull in Elentra CPD release activity officially comes to an end today, with the release of Elentra CPD 1.1, which was made possible by an exciting collaboration between Queen’s University and the University of British Columbia’s Continuing Professional Development offices. This is the first release of a series of updates planned for 2019 that will bring significant new features and enhancements to the software.

Our main focus for Elentra CPD 1.1 was to fast-forward the underlying software code base by merging together the significant architectural improvements from Elentra ME with the fixes and minor enhancements done by the Queen’s University, Education Technology Unit. As such, this is primarily a stability and architecture improvement release intended to pave the way for future feature development.

There are 158 completed issues tracked to version 1.1.0, but some of the improvements include:

  • A shiny new user interface to match other applications in the Elentra Platform.
  • The ability to create online communities or websites for each program, which can then be accessed by registrants before, during, or after the program.
  • Various program-level reporting improvements and corrections.
  • The ability to disable support for third-party registration contacts during the registration process at the application level.
  • The ability to specify whether or not registrants are able to select the number of days they are attending a multi-day program.
  • The initial introduction of Codeception unit, functional, and acceptance tests.
  • The introduction of Elentra API 1.3 and Elentra JS 1.2, which will be used for future modernizations.

We look forward to providing at least two more release announcements for Elentra CPD 1.2 and 1.3 in 2019, so stay tuned.

For further information or clarification regarding information contained in this release announcement, please contact:

Matt Simpson
Technical Director, Elentra Consortium
School of Medicine, Queen’s University
Telephone: +1 613-533-6000 x78146
Email: [email protected]